Vacation Bible School

We are called through God’s Word, our Baptismal covenant, and our mission statement to Share Christ, Serve Community and Grow Disciples! Part of making disciples is Teaching God’s Word and helping others see the relevance of God’s Word in their lives. One way that Peace chooses to engage in the ministry of making disciples is through our Vacation Bible School Program in the summer.

Vacation Bible School offers you an opportunity to disciple children within our Congregation. Vacation Bible School also gives our Congregation an opportunity to invite children Kindergarten – 5th grade to come and join us on a week-long adventure where faith and God’s Word are seen through Bible Storytelling, crafts, recreation, science, and snacks as we build relationships with one another. It is a great opportunity for youth from Peace Lutheran Church and the community to learn leadership skills as they work alongside our adult volunteers and help shepherd, teach, and build relationships with the children. Vacation Bible School is not just for children and youth, it is a wonderful opportunity for adults to continue to grow in discipleship as we learn alongside our children and as we model faith and leadership.