Peace Lutheran Church
Facility Reservation

Need to reserve our facility? Submit the form to request hosting your event here.

We never sell or supply your information to any third parties.

* fields are required.

Peace observes the "Two Adult Rule" requiring two adult supervisors be present during activities involving minors. Do you agree to comply by the Two-Adult Rule?
Rooms Requested
Kitchen facilities are not generally rented to outside groups except for coffee and donuts or cookies, etc. In the event permission is granted to use kitchen facilites for meal preparation, a $250.00 refundable deposit is required to cover clean-up expenses. The amount of refund is based upon the extent of clean-up required and includes labor, duration of clean-up, and cleaning supplies.
(It is best to arrange the room for your meeting yourself. At the conclusion of the meeting, you will be expected to leave the room in the same condition and formation in which you found it. A janitorial fee of $25 will be imposed on non-church groups if excessive clean-up or furniture arranging is necessary.)

  1. Peace Lutheran Church groups have priority for open calendar dates.
  2. Calendar is September - August. You must submit a form each calendar year and requests are processed in order received.
  3. Saturday meetings must be completed by 4:00 P.M. Sunday meetings must not begin before 2:00 P.M.
  4. Outside groups are not permitted to use Church facilities during Holy Week.
  5. The contact person listed above is requested to make sure all areas are left in a neat and orderly condition (chairs and tables returned to original location, floors and kitchen clean, coffee cups removed, etc.)
  6. A janitorial fee of $25 will be imposed on non-church groups if excessive clean-up or furniture arranging is necessary.